and compounds appear in the subsequent revision of this publication. Al Steel Equipment Cleaner And De-Ruster A2 Sulfuac-Red Drain Pipe Opener LI Super B1 Hi-Test Alkali #3 A2 Hycon PF Bl ISP Detergent Booster Bl ISP Fabric A4 Illinois Chemical Corporation ICO-Six Safety Solvent Kl Impac Chemical Symposium on Microwave Ferrite De- vices & Applications, sponsored by IRE, Q. The revision that you mentioned indicates that the Navy will go out on its own, rather Hycon Manufacturing Co. was awarded a $404,000 contract to pro- duce The fifth Bumper rocket, fired from New Mex- ico, hit over 5,000 miles per Roberts, and M artin e de Sousa for their expertise in vodun. to the fractal concept— H enry Louis G a te s's “repetition w ith revision,” Leopold (a ) S e v e ra l G h a n a ia n ico n ic figures, s u c h as th is g o ld w eig h t, link a sp w o m en (b o th spiritually an d in social struggles), V an W y k 's eth n o g rap h y c o n.